February 12, 2017 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
Carnegie SVRA
18600 Corral Hollow Rd
Tracy, CA 95377

Are you a street rider who wants to experience off-road? New to off-road and want to learn the correct technique? Or maybe you just want to get started in this great sport. This one day class is for riders new to off-road. It happens at Carnegie SVRA. Northern Cal’s premier off-road park. A great weekend of learning and great riding. If you have been wondering what off road is all about, this class will show you.

Don’t have your own equipment or gear ? We can provide for you.

We will be cover basic fundamentals, body positioning, braking, clutch control, balance,up hills, down hills, all to build confidence while exploring the dirt.

Where: Carnegie SVRA
When: February 12th
Time: 9am- 3pm
Cost: 1 day $200
Cost with equipment $325
contact: brian@garrahanoffroad.com
Eventbrite - Intro to Dirt February