July 27, 2019 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
Metcalf OHV

Garrahan Off-Road Training will be conducting a intro to dirt course at a Metcalf OHV!!!

If you have never ridden off road before. Even if you have very limited experience on motorcycle, this course will get you started. This is for beginners only. We’ll be focusing on the fundamentals of riding off-road. Proper body position, staying relaxed, managing the controls and building balance and confidence. Metcalf OHV is a great place to start and as a beginner, you won’t be alone!

We will be working on are drills in a open safe environment!!

Where: Metcalf OHV

Time: 9:00am-3:00pm

When: July 27th

Cost: $200 one day

Cost: $375 one day equipment

Contact: brian@garrahanoffroad.com

Website: www.garrahanoffroadtraining.com