October 22, 2022 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone

Garrahan Off-Road Training will be conducting an intro to dirt course at Private Property!!!
If you have never ridden off road before. Have a street back ground only. Even if you have very limited or no experience on a motorcycle. This course will get you started. This is for beginners only. We’ll be focusing on the fundamentals of riding off-road. Proper body position, staying relaxed, managing the controls and building balance and confidence.
We will be working on our drills in a open safe environment!!
Need equipment we offer bikes and gear!!!!

Where: Boulder Creek
Time: 10:00am-3:00pm
When: October 22nd
Training own bike: $175
Training bike and gear included $375
Training 10 years or younger $325
Contact: brian@garrahanoffroad.com
web: www.garrahanoffroadtraining.com