September 21, 2019 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone

Pre-Race Training MMX D 36

Garrahan Off-Road Training will be offering training classes pre-race for the MMX D 36 race. This training will resemble the same terrain during the race event. We will be working on race winning strategies and drills. This class will be for the racers that want to win or excel in their class. We will be working on speed drills and real race scenarios that may occur.

1/2 PRICE Moto Training this Summer – Sponsored by Robert Sharrock

GARRAHAN OFFROAD TRAINING and ROBERT SHARROCK REAL ESTATE present 1/2 PRICE moto training this summer!!!

Are you ready to shave some seconds off your lap times? Robert Sharrock Real Estate out of San Jose California is sponsoring 5 spots this month of the premier Garrahan Offroad Training. Brian is the renowned trainer in Northern California with an impressive history of winning State, National, and ISDEs. We want to get you to the next level and Brian is the coach to get you there. Anyone can sign up. Work on powering through ruts, body position, and all the fundamentals it takes to be faster and safer.

Robert Sharrock is a C Rider at District 36 events and a AA Realtor in the South Bay Area. He supports our sport and supports you, our members, with all your real estate needs including a referral program providing you a top 3% producing Realtor anywhere in the country and even internationally. If you are buying or selling in San Jose, he’s there to help and if you are buying or selling anywhere else, he’s your first call to find a top agent in your local area.

Reach out at 408.221.4955 or email at RealEstate@RobertSharrock.com.

Come join Brian and Robert for a day of training. Drinks and snacks supplied!!

Where: MMX
When: September 21st
Time: 9am-2pm

To register for these events go to www.garrahanoffroadtraining.com
email me at brian@garrahanoffroad.com for more info